Deadline for discounted
Registration and Accommodation is extended to
January 28, 2011.
Deadline for submitting
presentations is extended to February 7, 2011
Online Paper Submission Begins..
Please use the link on the left-hand
side to submit your abstracts online for the 7th National Sterilization and
Disinfection Congressorganized by the Society of Disinfection Antisepsis and
Invitation to the Congress
Distinguished DAS volunteers,
Medicine is developing in a fast
manner in its every domain as well as in DAS. New illnesses and pathogens
that shook the wholeworld have been defined since the last DAS conference.
Even we, the employees of health sector, have panicked in the face of these
pathogens from time to time. We have tried to cope with them under the light
of science; or gropingly; or have seen others do so. Certain resilient
microorganisms became ordinary in our hospitals due to insufficient
precautions, and our hands were tied by limited treatment options. Moreover,
some hygiene and DAS practices, which were never talked of before, became
part of our daily lives. The number of complex medical devices that we have
to use repeatedly hasgrown in day by day. On the other hand, certain new DAS
practices that are more practical, faster and more secure came into use.
I know that you are all looking
forward to the seventh DisinfectionAntisepsis and SterilizationConference
where we will be discussing our problems and seeking solutions to them.
These problems concern not only one specialty or specific health
service, but all health sector employees. The interest in DAS conferences
all around our country is a clear sign. We imagined this conference as a
scientific spread and tried to organize it in such a manner. A scientific
spread where expert scientists and employees from Turkey and abroad will
share their experiences and where we will discuss our problems in detail;
seek solutions in the light of current science; and put them across
authorities. As with previous DAS conferences,we will come together with
executives (health sector employees from every branch and level), regulators
and supervisors (representatives of the health authority) and suppliers
(medical sector); and we will try to produce solutions for the benefit of
our country. Also, we will have the chance to closely inspect DAS products
which, due to their sizes, we can’t always see and so try to understand from
catalogues; and will try to remove any question marks in our minds
concerning them.
Regardless of which health domain
you come from, you will find a topic that interests you in this congress.
Let’s discuss our problems and create solutions together.
Kind Regards
On behalf of the organizing
Prof. Dr. Şaban ESEN