Abstract Submission

In the 11th INTERNATIONAL DAS Congress, presentations will be delivered orally or through posters. The presentation abstracts must be prepared in Turkish or English. Presentations can be made in Turkish or English.
When sending the presentation, the authors’ preferred method of delivery (oral or poster) and the sub-field which the study is concerned with should be specified. The Scientific Committee is appointed to accept or reject the presentation depending on the content of the study and number of applications or to change the form and sub-field of the presentation, if accepted. All accepted presentations other than the ones selected as oral presentations by the Scientific Committee will be delivered as posters.

* Presentation abstracts can be submitted only via the On-line Abstract Submission System on the congress web page.
* Presentations submitted via fax, electronic or regular mail or delivered by hand will not be accepted.
* The deadline for submitting the abstracts is 01 October 2019. While submitting the abstracts, the method of delivery preferred by the authors (oral or e-poster) and the sub-field the study is concerned with, should be specified.
* The following conditions will be required for accepting the abstracts as presentations:
* The abstract should not contain more than 400 words. (After approval of the evaluation board, the abstracts will be allowed to be sent and printed in full text. After the assessments, details about full text submission rules, will be sent together with the letter of acceptance.)
* The title of the presentation should be maximum 10 words and should completely reflect the content of the study.
* The full names and titles of the presentation authors, as well as the institutions and city where they work, should be clearly specified together with the title.
* Among the researchers who have prepared the studies, the researcher who will make the presentation must be mentioned
* Studies to be considered for the presentation award must be specified.
* Studies that receive a project support or another research support should be specified.
* Presentations which are ongoing and whose results have not been reached yet, as well as studies that do not include the parts mentioned above will not be EVALUATED under any circumstances.
* The abstracts should include the following parts:
- Aim
- Materials and Methods
- Results (numerical and/or statistical data)
- Conclusion
- A table, chart or picture can be added to the presentation.
* While submitting the abstract, one of the following sub-topics that the study is concerned with should be specified.
Operating room
Employee Security
Accepted presentations cannot be withdrawn after the acceptance letter is sent. Posters that are accepted for presentation but that are/cannot be presented will be announced on the websites of the congress and the association at the end of the congress, under the title “PRESENTATIONS NOT DELIVERED”.


After the abstracts are evaluated by the “Scientific Committee”, it will be decided whether they are accepted for delivery or not and the result will be notified to the author to deliver the presentation at least 45 days before the start of the congress, depending on the order of application.
* The Scientific Committee is appointed to accept or reject the presentation depending on the content of the study and the number of applications and to change the method and sub-field of the presentation if accepted.
* The presentations submitted to the congress will be evaluated by the referees and the presentations with the best scores will be accepted as oral presentations. These scores will be used in determining the award winners as well.
*For presentations accepted after the evaluation, the “acceptance letter” where the acceptance of the presentation and the method of presentation (oral or poster) is specified will be sent to the presenting author by e-mail.
* The author or the first author to deliver the accepted presentation must register for the congress before 30 October 2017.

* Congress participants who will deliver their presentations orally in the congress must deliver their presentations to the presentation control room, at least one day before the day of presentation specified in the program.
* Presentations must be prepared with Microsoft Office software
* All kinds of technical equipment (slides, projectors, computer, video, etc.) will be available in the meeting rooms.
* The duration determined for oral presentations is 5 minutes in total, including the presentation + discussion. This duration should not be exceeded under any circumstances. Visual (pictures or videos) and audio materials can be used while delivering an oral presentation.
* Poster presentations will be presented in the form of e-posters on LCD screens in the e-poster area allocated in the congress center. Detailed information about the e-poster preparation process will be provided to the owners of accepted presentations.

All presentations submitted will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, who will decide if they are accepted for presentation or not. The first author of studies accepted for presentation or award application will receive an “acceptance letter” stating the acceptance of the presentation and the method of delivery (oral or poster) in October.

• “Presentation Award” will be given to 3 oral presentations or posters to be selected as “original research” by the Award Jury among the presentations delivered in the congress
• Candidates must absolutely specify their candidacy for the award while submitting the presentations electronically. Furthermore, candidates are responsible for clarifying the following matters while submitting their presentations in all presentation award applications.
• It should be stated that in case of researches concerning humans, ethical standards were followed with due care and ethical board approvals and patients’ informed consent were obtained in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as recently updated.
• It should be noted that studies conducted on experimental animals were conducted in accordance with national or international ethical standards and were approved by the Experimental Animal Ethics Committee.
• It should be noted that there is no conflict of interest between authors.
• Any support received should be specified.
• The following studies cannot be nominated as candidates:
• Studies published in a national or international journal before the calendar year in which the congress is held
• Studies previously awarded in another presentation (congress or symposium).

• Award winning presentations will be selected by the “Award Jury”. The Award Jury (jury members will be appointed by the Board of Directors of the DAS Association) are responsible for evaluating all presentations for the award and take a decision in this regard.
• All abstracts that applied for the award and that were accepted for presentation in the congress and scored 7 out of 10 on average will be delivered to the jury members 15 days before the congress date at the latest. After preliminary evaluation of the presentation abstracts, each member will evaluate the presentation in the congress (e-poster or oral) and grade each study. Jury members will convene on the date and hour determined by the jury severity (date of the congress gala at the latest) to discuss the award candidates and determine the award winning presentations.
• The jury secretary communicates the result of these assessments to the congress secretary. Winners will be announced and awarded during the congress closing session.
• Jury members may not evaluate studies in which they are involved as author or which are conducted in their own departments.

• Scholarship for registration and accommodation at the next DAS Congress to the owner of the 1st presentation,
• Scholarship for registration at the next DAS Congress to the owner of the 2nd Presentation,
• Book award to the owner of the 3rd presentation.

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