In our scientific program; we will discuss the basic
principles and innovations in the field of sterilization and
disinfection, as well as the accreditation processes, the
SKS standards, the DAS practice in case of emergency and
disaster, with our precious participants. In addition, as we
get to know the virus that draws borders and distances
between us, we will question our attitudes and behaviors in
our daily life and in hospitals, and explore ways to reach
healthier and better DAS practice in a cost-effective way.
Taking all the conditions into account, we are making the
preparations for holding the event either "online",
"face-to-face" or "hybrid" since it is not possible to know
at what point we will be in the fight against the pandemic
on the date of our congress.
We would like to express our thanks and gratitude in advance
to all our colleagues, shareholders and industry
representatives who will participate, and we are happy to
invite you to our congress where we hope that "the virus
will not register."
Prof Dr.Dilek Yeşim
President of the Congress
Deadline for Early Registration & Accommodation:
30 October 2021
Deadline for submission of all abstracts:
30 October 2021
Deadline for cancellation:
October 2021